(11/1/23) Covid Vaccine

(10/29/23) Scent Artist

(10/28/23) Breast Milk

(10/23/23) Penguins

(10/22/23) Graduated

(5/28/23) No More Jingles

(3/31/23) Potential

(9/15/22) Be Myself

(9/13/22) Cuts On My Butts

(9/11/22) Mt Everest

(9/10/22) Stupid Dream

(9/10/22) One Of My Dreams

(9/8/22) Space Photography

(9/7/22) Walked Up To The Ocean

(3/9/22) Princess Incest

(3/6/22) Got My Thoughts

(3/6/22) Humans And Dinosaurs

(3/4/22) Vibrators

(4/25/20) Tie Shoe

(4/10/20) Running Out Of Time

(4/10/20) Dead Bodies In Space

(4/8/20) When You Wanna Be Productive

(2/15/20) It's Okay To Fall

(1/17/20) Adding To Your Reality

(1/4/20) Buy A Croissant

(1/1/20) Video Games

(12/31/19) Looks To The Stars

(12/30/19) Throw It Away

(11/23/19) Milky Thiccc

(11/20/19) Take Pic Tut

(9/9/19) Saw A Deer

(8/24/19) C Chord Tut

(8/18/19) How To Not Make It Dark

(8/15/19) Pushup Tut

(8/14/19) Camera Magic

(8/13/19) Test And Pickles

(6/21/19) Cheese Sandwich Tut